Monday, July 11, 2011

Flash Sale Tonight and quick bow holder Tutorial!

Welcome to Monday!!

Todays Blog serves a double, make that triple, purpose! So much good news and fun things to share it's hard for me to choose just one!

FIRST: Quick reminder that tonight at 9:00 PM EST I'll be having some flash sales on my Facebook business page! Cupcake Couture Girls - click to be re-directed to my page. :)

SECOND: I've stumbled across a GOLD MINE of DIY ideas for you and your kids!!  Follow this link to find amazing ideas and TONS of How-To's! My laundry list of projects has now grown dramatically!

THIRD: Here's the "Easy" bow holder How-To.  My more complex one is in an earlier post. :)

Quick Bow Holder

What you need:

Wooden plaque (or letter but this tutorial is for a plaque)

Wooden letters/chipboard letters (or you can paint)

Paint - I suggest Acrylic paint

Paper plate (something to hold or mix your paint on)

Wide and Thin bristle paint brushes


Hot glue gun

Here we GO:

Step One:  Decide what color you want to paint your plaque and letters then PAINT! :)
I used a vintage teal then painted vintage blue O's in various sizes around the edges. LET DRY.

Step Two: Arrange your letters and glue them down (I used a wood glue but you can use hot glue or fabri-tac) 

***THE "R" is a chipboard letter that I bought on a whole sheet of letters from the local dollar store craft section, the rest are wooden letters I bought at JoAnn fabrics. The flower on the R was attached and the second flower was a separate chipboard piece on the sheet of "R"s I bought.***

Step Three:  Cut a 3 inch strip of ribbon for the top loop and glue the ends to the back of the plaque in the center. 
(To keep the ribbon ends from fraying quickly run them through a candle flame)

Step Four:  Cut two 17 inch long ribbons (I suggest running ends through a candle flame) and glue them to the back of the plaque.

VOILA!!! You are done!! No sewing or crazy craft work!!  I think mine took me about a half hour. :)  The weather has been perfect here so to dry my plaque I set it in the sun for a few minutes and it was D-R-Y in no time! :)  PLEASE post photos of your finished piece! :)

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