Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Game night is TONIGHT!!!! I'm so so so excited!!  I've got great items up for the winning and will have some "flash sales" as well!! So come prepared to have fun, laugh and get some goodies!! :)

Winner is responsible for shipping unless otherwise noted, although the games are held on facebook they have absolutely no affiliation with facebook.  You are allowed to refuse the prize if you don't want/need it and give it to another player but you will not get anything else in return for this.

All the vendors are amazing women who work hard and are being very generous in donating.  Please be mindful of this and show them some CCG style love. :)  You all are super awesome, I know this, so please be sure to stop by each of there pages and "thank" them. :)

***Excessive commenting (over the top) could result in you being temporarily comment blocked, for this reason I do not play any games where the players would feel the need to comment over and over.  As long as you are playing the game correctly you will NOT be comment blocked by facebook.***

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Game Night Goodies. :)

So here's a peek at what you can WIN WIN WIN at my first ever GAME NIGHT DONE RIGHT! 
Games will take place on my facebook page: Cupcake Couture Girls THIS TUESDAY at 9:00 PM EST

Can't wait to see you there!! Bingo (super easy to play on facebook) Trivia and comment wars! :)

One winner will win this personalized necklace!! Whatever Letter you choose! :)

Another Goody up for grabs:
A fun, funky 4 inch Bow clip from:

Another winner will receive $15's off (can include shipping) to Dashing Little Darlings Etsy Store
She has purses, bags, covers and cases for IPads, handheld book devices, jewelry... SUPER fun stuff!!

This adorable headband from Parabandz & More will also be up for grabs:
A headband made with your choice of fabric colors!! Super cutie!!

I'll also be giving away some great stuff and will have some one night only deals on some clips, headbands and whatever else I feel like adding. :)  

BE THERE!!!! :) Please comment here if you are I-N!! :)



When: Tuesday night
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Where: Cupcake Couture Girls Facebook Page
What's up for grabs??

Great Prizes for all the winners!!  I've got a personalized necklace, headbands, clips, hair bows and other fun stuff! :)

BE THERE!!! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


If you've come to this site looking to enter the Grand Giveaway it is now located on our facebook page: Cupcake Couture Girls.  Due to glitches in the comment section during the giveaway we decided to move it and extend it from Tuesday to Thursday for the days lost.

Thanks so much!! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


Welcome to my first ever Grand Giveaway!!  

There will be 13 winners in all!! :) Here's how to Enter:

You must like all 9 of the vendors, this is NOT optional.  Once you've "liked" all of our facebook pages leave a comment on the blog page saying you've liked all pages, list your top 4 picks of the prizes and your email address. This will be your first entry.

To gain more entries you can choose to do any number of the following:
1.) Share the giveaway on your facebook page ( Be sure to put the "@" symbol so it informs me. cupcake couture girls is having a Grand Giveaway, you can enter at www.cupcakecouturegirls.blogspot.com) **by doing so it will tag/alert me of who shares the link**   

2.) By following this blog  

3.) Purchase something from one of the vendors during the giveaway week.

***Post a separate comment for each one you do with the same information listed in your first entry (top 4 picks and email address).

Once the giveaway closes (Monday, May 16th at 8:00 PM EST) I will head to www.random.org and have it give me 13 random numbers which I will keep in order from which they are given, (if 15 is the first number, comment 15 gets first choice and so on).  

Before announcing the winners chosen I will make sure they have "liked" all of our pages (and then if they followed direction for their extra entry if it's an extra entry comment).  Once I've confirmed the validity of the entry I will post the winners on the blog.  From there the winners are responsible to contact the vendor from which they've won. :)  

All Photos were used with permission from each vendor.

WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY!!! Here are the amazing giveaways!! 

"Felt Fruit"

First We have these amazing, handmade felt fruits from Goldilocks Creations. These will provide hours and hours of fun creative play for your sweet little kiddo!! Retail value is $7.00's

The Sweetest Little Hats

My amazingly talented friend over at Peek-a-Boo Crochet generously is giving away 3 hats (you will get to choose one).

First we have this adorable little 0-3 month baby boy hat.

Each hat is made unique.  She makes so many different styles!  My daughter has one that was made just the way I wanted and I know that there isn't one in this world that is the exact same. :) 

Next from Peek-a-boo Crochet we have two more hand crocheted hats for your sweet little peanut.

On the left is a size 0-3 month sleeper cap and on the right is a 12-24 month flower beanie.

Personalized Travel Wipes Case #1

You will get to customize a travel case with your sweet little stinkers name!  SO cute!! This item is from Miley Bug's Personalized Creations and More 

Custom Switch Plate and Outlet Covers!

Is your sweet little kiddos room "lacking" a little something??  Add these amazing covers from Parabandz & More  and give their room that little bit of "pop" it desires! :)  These are Customizable!

Little Bow Headband:

Another item from Parabandz & More is one of these fabric (not plastic) headbands!  So sweet!

Customized Hair Clip holder!

HOW CUTE!!! One winner will receive this small square holder from JoJo's Kiddie Kreations.  
You will get to fully customize this with the initial, colors and theme of your choice.

Customized Travel Wipes Case #2

Top View:

Bottom View:

Another fun/funky customized Travel Wipes Case but this one comes from Absewlutely Adorable.
Custom your case with your choice of fabric, name and font!  How fun is this?! Love.

Handmade Flower Headband

"The Mint Sprinkle" 
- a 2 inch light teal flower on a super thin plum purple headband.
 Fits 18 months to adult.  One of the many treasures found at Cupcake Couture Girls.

"Spun Innocence" 
- White handmade flower on your choice of super thin white or as shown on 5/8 inch white headband.
Custom sizing
  Another item from Cupcake Couture Girls.

Something for the Mommies!!
A darling Clutch from One Diva Three Dolls
AS WELL AS 15% Off from Miley Bug's Personalized Creations and More!! This is a package deal!

"The Lola" Clutch Custom made for THIS Giveaway! :)
 Inside flap detail:

So this winner will receive the clutch AND 15% off at Miley Bug's

Darling Princess Dress

Your Princess will be Pretty in Pink in this adorable, Size 4 Disney Princess Dress. 
Brand New with Tags from The Pink Princess Shop

So there you have it!!  All of our amazing giveaways!! All these ladies have worked so hard and have been so gracious!  Trust me when I say you will WANT to "Like" them all...their talents are limitless. :)

Good Luck!!!!

Sneak Peek #3!!!

JoJo's Kiddie Kreations is an amazing little store!!  I was super excited to find this little gem and was even MORE excited when they agreed to participate in my Grand Giveaway!!

Here's what one lucky little winner will get:

A small square, personalized bow/clip holder!!! I'm so in love with this!!

The winner will get to fully customize their holder.  The initial, colors and theme will all be up to your little imagination!  I think I bird or owl theme in red and teal would be amazing...hmmm... lol The combinations are pretty much endless!  Head over to JoJo's Kiddie Kreations on facebook today! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My AMAZING vendors

100% honesty right now...  I have been so blessed to come into contact with this list of amazingly talented women.  Their kindness and excitement have really grabbed ahold of me.

When you are running a small business you can have a tendency to become "snobbish" towards other people working towards launching their small businesses.  Unfortunately I've seen my fair share of it. HOWEVER, sprinkled in between are these gems of women who will actually succeed because they are open, kind and have a genuine desire to see their fellow small business owners have great success beside them.

These are women that are those rare business gems:  Miley Bug's Personalized gifts and more, Parabandz & More, Peek-a-boo Crochet, Absewlutely Adorable, JoJo's Kiddie Kreations, The Pink Princess Shop and lastly someone who really just made my day by how genuine and caring they were, One diva three dolls who is currently making blankets and crayon rolls for those who suffered the devastating destruction in Tennessee.  I'm proud to stand beside them all and CAN NOT wait to launch the Giveaway beside them all.  I highly encourage you all to not even wait for the giveaway and "Like" them all on facebook today. :)

NOW GET EXCITED!!!  The Giveaway is SO close...I can taste it!! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ANOTHER Giveaway Sneak Peek!! :)

Oh man!! I'm so excited to show you another little "Goody" that will be given away!!

One winner will receive a customized wipe case from Absewlutely Adorable!! You'll get to choose the name, font and fabric!! How awesome is that?!  Here are example photos:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Giveaway Sneak Peek!

Over the next week I'll be posting Sneak Peeks on what you'll have a shot at winning!

Here are some of the goodies that will be included in our AMAZING giveaway!! I'm trying to have a few different winners and am trying to construct boy and girl sets!  First we have these two items from Parabandz & More, Custom switch plate and outlet plate and then a darling material headband (they are NOT plastic)

Seriously how cute are they!!  Come back tomorrow to get another sneak peek at other items we will be featuring!! :)  YAY!!

Gearing up for Giveaways!!

Welcome to the world of artsy/crafty women!  There is something so admirable about someone taking something they love and seeing it transform and take shape into a business.  I know that for me it started out as making fun things for my girls and slowly I saw it forming into something I never dreamed. 

I have a blog on my website but wanted to set this one up so it can serve a broader purpose. :)  I've got BIG plans for this blog and am really excited to kick it off with an amazing Giveaway that showcases a few really awesome small businesses that I've come across.  I wanted to choose vendors that I would actually want things from and I'm telling you...these are those kinds of vendors (including myself of course!) So sit tight, let your excitement get the better of you and keep your eyes peeled for the Giveaways launch.  

My goal is to post the Giveaway complete with photos and vendor descriptions on Monday, May 16th!!  

Love to make you all (and your favorite tiny people) beautiful!! :)
