Friday, July 8, 2011

Playing around

As you can see my blog has been changing! :)  I'm a visual person and am working to get every aspect of the way my blog is "viewed" to my liking...How it looks today may very well NOT be how it looks tomorrow!  Stick with me. :)

I have a list of projects I'm going to be working on and posting HOW-TO's about.  SO very excited for this!  My last tutorial blog was how to make a "complex" bow holder but my next will show you how to make a simple and easy holder. :)  We like simple and easy don't we?!

Tonight (hopefully) I will start working on the older girls' headboards.  They won't be anything super fancy but I'm always looking for some sort of project and I love doing ones that are a bit more practical.

The plan is to have a "Flash Sale" on my Facebook business page, Cupcake Couture Girls, on Monday at 9:00PM EST.  This is a SALE so there aren't any freebies just great deals on "must have" items! So come ready for fun!  I'm hoping to work on a few new items to add in as well. :)

You are super fantastic and I LOVE ya for reading this!! If you haven't already, don't forget to "Follow" us! You can do so by clicking on the Follow Me section to the bottom left of the blog screen. :) HUGS!

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